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Vascular Veins Removal

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Why leg veins appear and how we can treat them

Having spider or varicose veins can affect more than your appearance. These veins can cause serious discomfort. Some varicose veins put you at risk for a complication like a blood clot or open sores on your legs.

Minimally invasive treatment can get rid of or fade leg veins. Treatment can also diminish symptoms like pain and fatigue and prevent complications.

Why we get visible leg veins

Varicose and spider veins are damaged veins. We develop them when tiny, one-way valves inside the veins weaken. In healthy veins, these valves push blood in one direction — back to our heart. When these valves weaken, some blood flows backward and accumulates in the vein. Extra blood in the vein puts pressure on the walls of the vein.

With continual pressure, the vein walls weaken and bulge. In time, we see a varicose or spider vein.

Some people have a higher risk of developing these veins. If blood relatives have them, you have a higher risk. Many people get them because they sit or stand for long periods most days of the week. These veins also become more common with age and during pregnancy.

Spider veins can also be caused by sunlight, hormonal changes, or an injury.

How dermatologists treat leg veins

Treatment options range from self-care to minor surgery. A dermatologist may use one or more of these treatments:

Self-care: Your dermatologist can give you tips to improve your circulation. These tips include:

  • Exercise

  • Elevate your legs

  • Sit for long periods? Get up and walk around every 30 minutes

  • Stand for long periods? Take a break every 30 minutes

  • Avoid soaking in hot baths for long periods of time

Self-care tips can help prevent new varicose and spider veins but cannot get rid of existing ones.

Compression stockings: These stockings apply steady pressure to help move the blood back to your heart. The steady pressure also lessens swelling in your lower legs and reduces the risk of getting a blood clot. You’ll still have visible leg veins, though.

If you need compression stockings, a dermatologist can examine you so that you get the proper size and right amount of pressure.

Sclerotherapy: This is the most common treatment for leg veins. Over the years, dermatologists have improved sclerotherapy to make it safer and give patients better results. Today, dermatologists use it to treat spider and small varicose veins.

If you have sclerotherapy, this is what happens during treatment:

  • Your dermatologist injects a chemical into the spider or varicose vein, which irritates the wall of the vein. Different areas of the vein are injected.

  • After the injections, your dermatologist may massage the area.

  • A compression stocking is then placed on each leg.

  • You will be observed for a time and then be able to go home.

  • To help prevent possible side effects, you will need to take daily walks and wear the compression stockings as directed. Most patients wear the compression stockings for 2 to 3 weeks.

  • You can return to work and most activities the next day.

Sclerotherapy causes the walls of the vein to stick together, so the blood cannot flow through it anymore. This improves circulation in the treated leg and reduces swelling.


Spider veins usually disappear in 3 to 6 weeks. Varicose veins take 3 to 4 months.

To get the best results, you may need 2 or 3 treatments. A dermatologist can perform these treatments during an office visit. No anesthesia is needed.

Laser treatments: Dermatologists use lasers to treat spider veins and small varicose veins. During laser treatment, your dermatologist directs the laser light at the vein.

Small spider veins may disappear immediately after treatment. Larger spider veins and varicose veins will darken, and you’ll likely see them for 1 to 3 months before they disappear. To get complete clearing, you may need 3 or more treatments.

Most patients can return to work and many of their normal activities the next day.

After each treatment, some patients need to wear compression stockings for a short time.

Every patient will need to protect the treated area from the sun for 3 to 4 weeks. This helps prevent dark spots from developing. Protecting your skin from the sun year round helps to prevent new spider veins and skin cancer.

Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) and radiofrequency ablation (RFA): EVLT and RFA are newer treatments. They often replace the need to surgically remove a vein.

Both treatments work inside the vein to destroy it. Dermatologists use EVLT to treat spider veins and small varicose veins. RFA is used to treat large varicose veins.

This is what happens during these treatments:

  • You receive local anesthesia, which numbs the area to be treated. The anesthesia also causes the area to swell.

  • Your dermatologist then makes a small incision and inserts a laser fiber (for EVLT) or catheter (for RFA) into the vein.

  • Your dermatologist activates the laser or radiofrequency device, which heats up the vein, causing it to collapse and seal shut. The heat does not harm the surrounding area.

  • After treatment, a compression stocking will be placed on each leg.

  • You are observed for a time and then able to go home.

  • To help prevent possible side effects, you will need to take daily walks and wear the compression stockings as directed. Most patients wear the compression stockings for 1 to 2 weeks.

  • You can return to work and most activities the next day.

It takes about 1 year for the treated vein to disappear with both EVLT and RFA. To get best results, you may need more than one treatment.

Physical exam essential before treatment

A physical exam helps your dermatologist decide if leg vein treatment is safe for you. During the physical exam, your dermatologist will look closely at your leg veins and ask about your medical history.

Non-invasive tests that look at the veins in your legs may also be necessary. A Doppler ultrasound will show the blood flow in your leg veins. Plethysmography (pla-thiz-muh-graph-ē) uses a blood pressure cuff to measure changes in blood volume, which can help find problems like abnormal blood flow.

After reviewing all of the information, your dermatologist can tell you if leg vein treatment is right for you and which treatment would be most effective. Sometimes, more than one type of treatment will be recommended to give you the best results and reduce side effects.

If treatment is recommended, be sure to ask whether insurance will cover it. You’ll likely have to pay if treatment is performed only to improve the look of your legs.

Skill is the key to getting best results

The results you will see depend largely on the person performing the leg vein treatment. Because dermatologists made many of the advances that have given us safer, less invasive treatments for leg veins, they have a leg up on using these treatments.

How Does Cryotherapy Help With Reducing Cellulite?

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Cryotherapy activates collagen production in the skin, which repairs broken connections in the skin – thus reducing the appearance of cellulite! Cryotherapy will actually activate collagen production throughout the body: Collagen is found in skin, tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, discs and even teeth! So in addition to reducing cellulite, cryotherapy will make you stronger, increase your mobility, and flexibility.

In addition to increasing collagen and smoothing out areas of cellulite, cryotherapy reduces fat deposits since fat cells are extremely intolerant of the cold. When fat cells are exposed to extremely cold temperatures they actually self destruct. By eliminating fat deposits and the fat underlying cellulite, the appearance of cellulite is also diminished.

Other Benefits of Cryotherapy

Athletic Recovery – Many popular athletes boast of the benefits of cryotherapy as they are able to recover faster to get back to training.

Arthritis and more – Cryotherapy has been said to be helpful in the treatment of arthritis, fibromyalgia, acne, psoriasis, inflammation, and more.  We can now add cellulite reduction to this long list of benefits.

Skin Healing – Cryotherapy is extremely effective at healing skin cells post-operatively or following cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion, laser treatments or injections. Cryotherapy reduces the appearance of bruises, swelling, edema, inflammation and pain. In addition to these benefits, your skin will feel tighter, more firm with more elasticity.

It’s safe and comfortable – Cryotherapy involves the application of very cold DRY air to the skin. Therefore the treatment is very comfortable and safe. Frostbite only occurs in the presence of water/moisture. Treatments are also time limited to 3 minutes making hypothermia impossible.

It’s cost-efficient – Cryotherapy is very cost-effective compared to other cellulite reducing treatments

It’s natural and non-invasive – It’s for everyone who wants to feel amazing with no down time.

Reasons to Sleep for Skin Health

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A good night's sleep can mean good skin health because when you’re sleep-deprived, your body makes more of the stress hormone cortisol. Elevated levels of cortisol can lead to increased stress and inflammation in the body, hurting your skin’s quality.

But the relationship between skin health and lack of quality sleep can be a vicious cycle.

Poor sleep can lead to increased stress hormones in the body that increase the severity of inflammatory skin conditions such as acne or psoriasis. This can result in increased itching, which can disrupt sleep. As the vicious cycle continues, skin conditions and sleep quality can increasingly worsen together. In contrast, skin conditions and sleep quality can also improve together. Getting a good night's sleep will help to clear up skin, which allows sleep to improve and, in turn, will improve skin health.

Need more convincing? Here are six reasons why not getting enough sleep detracts from skin health and your health in general:

  1. Not enough sleep worsens existing skin conditions. Increased inflammatory response shows up as increased acne breakouts, increased skin sensitivity, increased allergic contact dermatitis reactions, and increased irritant dermatitis — and more severe conditions mean more treatment and skin care.

  2. Not enough sleep detracts from your skin's natural beauty. Increased inflammatory cells in the body lead to an increase in the breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid, the molecules that gives the skin its glow, bounce and translucency.

  3. Not enough sleep makes immune-related skin problems worse. Increased inflammation in the body throws off the body's ability to regulate the immune system, which leads not only to getting sick more often, but also to flares of immune-related skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Psoriasis is not just a skin disease; it's also an indicator of body inflammation.

  4. Not enough sleep results in less beauty. While you're sleeping, the body's hydration rebalances. Skin is able to recover moisture, while excess water in general in the body is processed for removal. Not getting enough sleep results in poor water balance, leading to puffy bags under your eyes and under-eye circles, as well as dryness and more visible wrinkles.

  5. Not enough sleep accelerates the aging process. During deep sleep, the rise in growth hormones allows damaged cells to become repaired. Without the deeper phases of sleep, this won't occur, allowing daily small breakdowns to accumulate instead of being reversed overnight. This results in more noticeable signs of aging.

  6. Not enough sleep contributes to weight gain. Sleep also helps with weight management, which is good for your skin. Sleep also makes you feel less hungry.

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