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When Will I Outgrow My Acne? The Difference Between Adult and Teen Acne

Acne can strike at any time, not only flaring up your skin but also feelings of embarrassment or low self-esteem.

While you might assume making it through your teen years gives you a hall pass for clear skin, that isn’t the case. Acne can affect anyone of any age.

Whether your acne made its debut at 13 or 30, we can help you find a way to reclaim your glow.

What’s Acne and When Does It Start?

Acne is a skin condition that’s most common in teenagers but can also affect adults. It’s caused by oil and dead skin cells clogging your pores—much like your hair can clog up a drain. Whiteheads and blackheads are clogged pores without infection. Pimples, pustules, nodules, and cysts are inflammatory types of acne. When this type of acne starts, it can cause painful and red or pus-filled lumps in your skin.

Does Acne Go Away After Puberty?

The short answer is sometimes, not always. There are a few differences between teenager acne and adult acne, but let’s start with the similarities. Both types of acne are caused by a build-up of oil and dead skin cells with or without inflammation, and both can be triggered by hormonal changes. The differences are to do with the resilience of your skin and where the acne is likely to occur. Let’s take a closer look at both.

Teen Acne

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If you’re wondering when does acne start, for most people, it will be during their teen years. shows up to 93% of people have acne during their teen years. This isn’t necessarily comforting when feelings of low self-esteem are making it hard to face school or even hang out with friends.

But before we skip to teenage acne treatments, let’s first understand why your acne occurs.

During puberty, your body goes through hormonal changes. Androgens, like testosterone, are the hormone type that could be causing your acne. When androgens increase, they also increase the size of oil-producing glands: more oil = more blemishes. Acne in teenagers usually occurs on the T-zone, across your forehead, nose and cheeks.

The great news for anyone wanting to know how to get rid of your teenage pimples is that when your hormones level out after puberty, your acne may go away. And because your skin replenishes more quickly than adult skin, any marks left on your face could fade away faster than someone older.

Adult Acne

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Although adults are less likely to develop acne, it’s impossible to know how long adult acne will last. Like teenagers, your inflamed skin is caused by excess oil production and may be the result of hormonal or genetic factors. Women are more likely to experience acne than men with pregnancy and menstruation (and the hormonal changes that go with it) are common triggers.

Unfortunately, growing up doesn’t mean we grow out of feeling embarrassed about our skin. Adult acne can have a similar effect on your self-esteem as if you’re a teenager. It’s hard to face a Zoom room of colleagues or a first date when all you can think about is if they can see your cystic acne underneath plaster-like makeup.

Acne in adults is more likely to occur on your chin and along your jawline. Your adult skin is also facing a few extra obstacles because it’s drier and slower to replenish skin cells. It’s vital that you stay on top of your skincare routine for acne, as recovery is likely to be slower than if you were a teenager.

However, with the right products and plan in place, there’s no reason you can’t achieve and maintain that irresistibly soft, clean-feeling skin year after year.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Even once a breakout is back under control, you can still be left with scars. You may also have discolored patches of skin known as hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation.

The most important thing to remember is to not pick at your acne while it’s active. Easier said than done, we know, but it plays a major role in how your skin looks after the outbreak has subsided.

When treating acne, look for a solution that also tackles these secondary concerns for your best chance at flawless skin.

How to Treat Acne

There are several acne treatment options available to anyone with teenager acne or adult acne. Acne treatments commonly include topical solutions and/or medication. But there are another effective acne treatment aestheticians turn to for their patients: Dermapen Treatments™.

Dermapen Treatments for acne are a holistic solution that involves several micro-needling sessions using a Dermapen and a daily skincare routine using Dp Dermaceuticals products rich in acne-fighting ingredients, including:

Glycolic Acid: A water-soluble exfoliant that helps your skin shed skin cells. Of all the AHAs, Glycolic Acid has the smallest molecule, so it can penetrate deeper.

Salicylic Acid: This oil-soluble exfoliant can penetrate lipid layers between skin cells to unclog pores and target acne at the source.

Retinoids: Keep pores clear to prevent acne from occurring and minimize other signs of aging.

Niacinamide: Vitamin B3 is proven to improve acne and acts as an anti-inflammatory to calm and soothe irritated skin.

Tyrannise Inhibitors: Stop the production of melanin and fade existing spots and patches.

Microneedling for Acne

Dermapen Treatments are suitable for both teenagers and adults with acne. It’s a natural acne treatment that really works by stimulating your body’s own renewal and repair function. It boosts the production of collagen and elastin, oxygenates the skin and encourages lymphatic drainage.

A Dermapen Treatment doesn’t just blast acne but also:

  • Targets acne scarring from previous breakouts

  • Minimises current and future pigmentation

Hope for clear healthy-looking skin is possible. Whether your acne has just started, or you’ve tried every acne treatment on the shelf, Dermapen Treatments can offer real results.

Achieve Your Skin Goals

There’s no better feeling than when your skin goals become a reality. Unfortunately for so many teens and adults, those goalposts sometimes feel like a speck on the horizon. With Dermapen Treatments for acne, clear glowing skin is within reach.

Spider Veins Removal at Star Medispa

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Our advanced spider vein laser treatment will erase those unwanted spider veins on your legs, body and face!
We offer facial spider vein removal treatment which is very popular and so much more convenient than spending time and effort masking facial veins with makeup every day.

This page will give you all the information you need about spider veins, including what they are, how they form, and how Star Medispa can banish them safely and quickly.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Veins transport deoxygenated blood back to the heart. In the legs, the superficial veins (veins just below the skin’s surface) collect blood which is then delivered to other, deeper veins within the calf muscle. The normal functioning of the calf muscle helps to pump blood back to the heart, against the force of gravity. Valves inside the veins stop the blood from travelling back down the leg.

However, if the valves become weak and can’t close properly, blood collects in the superficial veins. As time goes by, these veins become ‘varicose’ – they distend (swell) with blood. Varicose veins are characterised by a twisted, knobbly and bluish-purple appearance, and can be painful.

Spider veins

Spider veins are like varicose veins – they form in the same way – but they are smaller and closer to the skin’s surface. Most of the time, spider veins don’t pose a health risk, except for rare cases when they are associated with:

  • the formation of ulcers as a result of the vein not draining properly

  • bleeding of the thin, easily injured skin over the spider vein

  • formation of blood clots in the vein (thrombosis)

  • vein inflammation, called phlebitis, caused by clotted blood in the vein.


Spider veins are usually blue or red, and sometimes have an appearance similar to a tree branch or spider web – this is why their common name is spider veins. The most common places they occur on the body are the face and legs. Spider veins may affect a large or small area of skin.

The diagram on the right shows the difference in appearance between spider veins and varicose veins:

How Does Laser Spider Vein Removal Work?

The laser energy from our Dynamis Long Pulse Nd:YAG or Diolite KTP laser is absorbed by the pigment in the blood (oxyhemoglobin) contained within the spider veins. As the energy is absorbed, the area of skin above and around the spider veins will become temporarily white in colour. After a few minutes, the spider veins won’t be visible anymore, which indicates the desired effect has been achieved. This makes the process very controlled and safe. Selective Photothermolysis is the name of the method used for spider vein removal. This process is the conversion of light energy to heat energy, with the heat affecting the target spider veins but not damaging the tissue surrounding them. This selective heating up of the spider veins causes them to disintegrate and shrink, allowing them to be absorbed safely into the body.

What The Spider Vein Removal Process?

Initial Consultation:

You’ll have an initial complimentary consultation with one of our experienced practitioners, who will look at your spider veins and explain how laser spider vein removal works, the number of treatments you’ll require. After the consultation, you can either go ahead with the treatment right away or book in for another time.

During treatment:

For the treatment, you’ll lie on your back or stomach, depending on where your unwanted spider veins are located, on a comfortable table in a private room while your dedicated practitioner performs the treatment by passing the laser beam over the affected spider veins.

After spider vein removal:

There is no recovery period needed after spider vein laser treatment. You walk in right before this treatment and walk straight out the door after it finishes – it’s as easy as that.

The skin on the treated area can be a little red and irritated or there may be no adverse reaction to the treatment at all.  Because everyone is different and their body responds differently the after affects vary from person to person.

We will explain everything to you in detail at your initial consultation.

Dermapen 4


Dermapen MicroNeedling regenerates the affected area by stimulating the production and distribution of collagen. This is achieved when the 12 or 16 needle cartridge glides over the skin, creating up to 1920 fractional microchannels per second that penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, triggering the body’s natural wound healing response. The result is an overall improvement in the appearance of problematic skin breakouts, black/whiteheads (comodones), acne reduced, and scarring minimised.

Treatments with the Dermapen 4

Anti Aging

Dermapen treatments designed to create a safe healing response within the body to ignite natural collagen and elastin production from within the skin, without harsh side effects and downtime, along with repairing the surface layers to result in healthier skin; looking brighter, tighter, more even toned, refined pores and reduced wrinkles.

Your face, lip area, eye area, ears, neck, chest, hands and scalp are all treated with pinpoint precision to promote rapid lifting, firming and toning of facial features and contours.

What’s more, the microchannels allow your skin to carry up to 80% more active ingredients which dive deep into your skin to feed and be absorbed by the underlying cells.

You'll see results in just one session.

  • Scarring

    Dermapen 4 is the only microneedling device with a dedicated scar setting and protocols for revision of deep, atrophic scars; including surgical, burn contracture, striae and post-acne scars. Needle penetration can now be increased up to 3.0mm. AOVN technology, automatically calibrates the motor speed, pressure and penetration for targeted precision. No dragging. No pulling of the skin. A popular Dermapen Scar Treatment is for the treatment of Stretch Marks, both old and new. Both practitioners and patients have found Dermapen treatments to be more effective for stretch marks than any laser treatments. Dermapen Scarring Treatments may include: atrophic scars; including surgical, burn contracture, stretch marks/striae and post-acne scars.

  • Pigmentation

    Unlike some Laser treatments, Dermapen removes the risk of heat injury and hypopigmentation risks, whilst promoting optimised cell function. This makes it a suitable procedure for any patient affected by melasma and with a predisposition to hyperpigmentation. Treatment is also suitable on all Fitzpatrick Skin Types and ethnicities. Dermapen treatments have also been found to be effective on Hypopigmentation Vitiligo treatments. Clinically Dermapen treatments work in four ways to reverse the production of hyperpigmentation and melasma.

How Does Cryotherapy Help With Reducing Cellulite?

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Cryotherapy activates collagen production in the skin, which repairs broken connections in the skin – thus reducing the appearance of cellulite! Cryotherapy will actually activate collagen production throughout the body: Collagen is found in skin, tendons, ligaments, bones, blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract, discs and even teeth! So in addition to reducing cellulite, cryotherapy will make you stronger, increase your mobility, and flexibility.

In addition to increasing collagen and smoothing out areas of cellulite, cryotherapy reduces fat deposits since fat cells are extremely intolerant of the cold. When fat cells are exposed to extremely cold temperatures they actually self destruct. By eliminating fat deposits and the fat underlying cellulite, the appearance of cellulite is also diminished.

Other Benefits of Cryotherapy

Athletic Recovery – Many popular athletes boast of the benefits of cryotherapy as they are able to recover faster to get back to training.

Arthritis and more – Cryotherapy has been said to be helpful in the treatment of arthritis, fibromyalgia, acne, psoriasis, inflammation, and more.  We can now add cellulite reduction to this long list of benefits.

Skin Healing – Cryotherapy is extremely effective at healing skin cells post-operatively or following cosmetic procedures such as microdermabrasion, laser treatments or injections. Cryotherapy reduces the appearance of bruises, swelling, edema, inflammation and pain. In addition to these benefits, your skin will feel tighter, more firm with more elasticity.

It’s safe and comfortable – Cryotherapy involves the application of very cold DRY air to the skin. Therefore the treatment is very comfortable and safe. Frostbite only occurs in the presence of water/moisture. Treatments are also time limited to 3 minutes making hypothermia impossible.

It’s cost-efficient – Cryotherapy is very cost-effective compared to other cellulite reducing treatments

It’s natural and non-invasive – It’s for everyone who wants to feel amazing with no down time.

Permanent Maceup at Star Medispa

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In today's fast-paced world, it seems like people will do anything to save time. Drive-throughs are now found at your local pharmacy, and there's no need to write checks when there's automatic bill pay -- people like things fast and easy. It's no wonder then that many people choose to speed up their morning regimen by getting permanent makeup. The idea of permanent makeup may sound strange, but it's just one of many ways people choose to make routine tasks quicker.

Permanent makeup is essentially a tattoo that makes you appear as if you're always wearing makeup. In fact, the procedure is much like that of getting a tattoo -- the technician applies the pigment with a needle, and eventually you may have to return for touch-up visits. During the consultation, you can select the shades of your permanent makeup, and the technician will sketch the areas on your skin to be pigmented. Permanent makeup technicians use a hollow needle that releases color into a hole in your skin. Although pigment is applied to the top layer of skin only, the procedure may still sting -- just like it does when you get a tattoo. It takes about three weeks for the pigment to fade to the color you selected.

Permanent makeup is also called micropigmentation or permanent cosmetics. The art of permanent makeup has become a specialized service within both the tattoo community and the cosmetic industry, and the field is growing as more technicians become available to treat a growing number of clients [source: Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals].

If you're thinking about getting permanent makeup applied, take some time to consider the benefits and the possible complications. While permanent makeup may save you time and energy each morning, there are some medical problems associated with it. Furthermore, you may not always want to wear black eyeliner -- and tattoo removal can be difficult. Read on to learn more about this growing practice, its benefits and its drawbacks.

Benefits of Permanent Makeup

The most obvious benefit of permanent makeup is that it can simply save you time. People with busy schedules, long commutes and numerous commitments can several minutes out of their morning routine each day. And you never have to worry about your makeup smudging or fading -- permanent makeup won't come off after swimming, working out or showering. But there are many reasons for someone to get permanent makeup beyond the timesaving benefits.

People with physical disabilities or impaired motor skills, such as arthritis, Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis, may want permanent makeup because it's difficult for them to apply makeup themselves [source: Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals]. With permanent makeup, they can continue to wear makeup without having to worry about whether they've applied it accurately. People with poor eyesight may invest in permanent makeup for the same reasons.

There are also cosmetic reasons why people use permanent makeup. After reconstructive surgery, especially of the face or breasts, permanent makeup can help return the skin's appearance to normal if pigment was lost during surgery. In fact, some people choose to undergo permanent makeup procedures to improve the results of cosmetics breast surgery [source: Hess Plastic Surgery]. People with hair loss conditions that cause them to lose their eyebrows may invest in permanent eyebrow tattoos, whereas people with lip scars can use permanent lipstick to hide the unsightly marks. Permanent makeup can also benefit people with cosmetic allergies or those with pigmentation conditions like vitiligo, which causes the appearance of irregular white patches on the skin.

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